Equipment Specifications Library

Basic Model Information

  • Manufacturer:
    Tulsa Rig Iron
  • Model:

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Additional Info

-52 Foot Tandem Axle Trailer
-7000 Gallon 3-Compartment Tank
-Air Brakes
-(2)- 3 Panel Linear Scalping Shaker
-Hydraulic Loading Legs
-3 Panel Desanding Mud Cleaner with 3-10" desanding cones
-D.O.T. Approved Lighting
-3 Panel Desilting Mud Cleaner with 12-5" desilting cones
-Telescopic Work Lights
-100 Square Feet of Screens
-200 KW Generator
-(1)- 5" x 6" Centrifugal Mix Pump
-Work Station Canopy
-(2)- 5" x 6" Centrifugal Cone Feed Pumps
-Electrical Outlets
-Electrical Submersible Pump
-High Sheer, Low Pressure Hopper

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